Cheret, Jules (1836-1932). UNTITLED ORIGINAL DRAWING. About 1890-95. Pen and ink and watercolor on card stock. 8 1/8 x 5 3/4 inches; 205 x 145 mm. Signed in ink, "JCh" lower center. Toned, and with matstain, residue of old tape, verso, else in vey good condition. The image, a couple, he with a hat and buttoniere, she with swirling skirts, and the creation of a sense of motion and excitement, appears thematically related to the many posters Cheret did for dance balls (see Broida 278-303, e.g. Broida 286, 287, 291, 295, and 298) and skating rinks (see Broida 349-374, e.g. Broida 361, 372, and 374), though here where the gentleman carries a walking stick and wears a monocle, and the lady wears a fur boa, the couple may be on the boulevard, perhaps on their way to one of these events. A fine drawing from one of the Belle Epoch's most exhuberant chroniclers.
Inventory # 5431

Price: $4,800.00